Bob Dylan. Then and Now.


There are two different types of Dylan fans.

The first type has a deep appreciation for "Dylan in his prime." It starts January 1961 when Dylan moves from college in Minneapolis to New York, seeking fame and fortune, and ends in 1970 with the release of Self Portrait, an album which prompted Rolling Stone writer Greil Marcus to ask, "What is this shit?"

The startling burst of creative energy that defined Dylan's twenties may have no equal in popular music. But Dylan's career did not end there. He continued producing album after album, continued touring (he is now on what is called the 'Never Ending Tour'), and in 2009 released two albums, one of them (LOL) a Christmas album.

The second type of fan is a Dylan loyalist. They love, more or less, everything in the man's catalogue. They listen to live performances, B-sides, and rarities. They view the critically acclaimed Modern Times and Love and Theft as albums that rival his work in the '60s. And whenever Dylan is in town, they go.

Personally, I find Dylan's material after the 1960's -- with the exception of Blood on the Tracks -- to be at best only a glimmer of the genius of his youth, at worst an absolute joke.

Compare these two live performances of "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall".

The first is from 1964.

Now watch this performance, from 2003. Can you take this seriously? I can't.


Van She


Fucking crazy Aussies.


Van She - Kelly (M83 Remix)

Van She - Kelly (Shinichi Osawa Remix)

Dragonette - Pick Up The Phone (Michael Di Francesco [Van She] Remix)

Dan The Automator - Rapper's Delight (Van She Tech Remix)

I Am Finn - I Love You (Van She Tech Remix Animalistics Re-Work)

The Tallest Man On Earth - King of Spain


The Tallest Man On Earth is a Worst Beatle favorite. I've blogged about him before.

Here's the new single from his upcoming album, The Wild Hunt.

The Tallest Man On Earth - King of Spain


Treasure Fingers


I've been a fan of Treasure Fingers for a while -- thought I'd might as well blog about them now.

Treasure Fingers basically sounds like Chromeo, only less funk more house.

Their one hit "Cross the Dancefloor" was pretty popular ... 'cross the dancefloor.

Here are my favorites:

Ocelot - Our Time (Treasure Fingers Remix)

Little Boots - Meddle (Treasure Fingers Remix)

Classixx - I'll Get You (Treasure Fingers Remix) (blogged this earlier)

N.A.S.A. feat. Kanye West, Lykke Li, and Santogold - Gifted (Treasure Fingers Remix)

The Death Set - Negative Thinking (Treasure Fingers Remix)

OH SNAP!! - Plus Sized Model (Treasure Fingers Remix) 

Treasure Fingers - Cross the Dancefloor (Lifelike Remix)

Treasure Fingers - Cross the Dancefloor


Grammy Rant


A 2007 duet album by famous Led Zepplin lead singer and probably the most bluegrass, Raising Sand, won the 2009 Grammy for Album of the Year.

This is a typical haul for Alison Krauss, who has won 26 Grammys! (Christ!)

Usually I disagree with the Grammy picks.

In 2006, U2 won for How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb. (I totally forgot about that crap.)

In 2007, the fucking Dixie Chicks won.

And undeniably the greatest affront to good taste -- in 1998, Bob Dylan's over-hyped pile of crap Time Out of Mind beat out OK Computer!

However -- Raising Sand has moments of brilliance. It's not my favorite album of 2007 2009, but I have to give the Grammy people credit.

I'm just glad Viva la Vida didn't win.

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Killing The Blues


Phoenix Remixed


Phoenix had the best album of 2009. 

Introducing... the best remixes.