Favorite Albums of 2009 (Updated)

wolfgang-amadeus-phoenix-album-cover RiceBoy_300_300
raekwon_cuban_revolution-front-large-450x450 tornup_72dpi_forweb

1 Response on "Favorite Albums of 2009 (Updated)"

  1. No Animal Collective. No The xx. No Brad Paisley.

    "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" was the obvious winner. It's been topping a lot of lists -- and for good reason. The whole album is good. It's fun, catchy, well-produced... In short: BRILLIANT!

    Riceboy Sleeps is my personal favorite. This is the most lush ambient album I have ever heard. Don't think of it as a Sigur Ros album. Imagine if Eluvium made this: people would be going crazy. As an ambient album, it is groundbreaking.

    My favorite mixtape wasn't So Far Gone (it was too uneven for me), but Memory Man's Cuban Revolution. The beats are laidback, yet at times haunting. The choices for acapellas are top notch.

    Torn Up by E-603 was my favorite mashup album of the year, barely beating Super Mash Bros sillier (and arguably more fun) release. This album is LONG. (What, like 70 mins?) We get excited by a simple A+B blend. Yet E-603 is doing mashup marathons a la Girl Talk, and doing it well.

    Phonat is a breath of fresh air in disco/house. Enough said.

    Florence + The Machine is eclectic, dramatic, fun, and DAMN, does that girl have pipes.

    Bitte Orca by Dirty Projectors is somewhere between indie pop and contemporary chamber music. VERY different - love it.

    I'll post about The Clientele later.

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